The Whole Universe Earth, Planets, Stars, Metals, Air,
Water, Plants, Trees, Animals, Human and Food are the Product of Different Chemicals or Minerals or Atoms
or Particles or Tissues. We can learn it in Tissue Culture Science. Here we are
going to know about Human body Parts. Our Body is the product of Chemicals and Minerals
like Blood, Fat, Flesh, Bones, Hormones, other organs and 70% Water Atoms
Particles. Daily We need at least 4 glass water and we need 56 gram Protein for
male and 46 gram for female. Food has
been given a very Significant place in our lives Because it is our Primary Requirement.
It is our basic need because it is the Source of Mental and Physical Energy.
The food that we eat not only Effects our body and the Efficiency of our Mind
but Directly Effects our Nature and Habits. The Knowledge of Balanced Diet is
therefore indispensable to "Good health". Food not only means the Intake
of food Orally but it also Incorporates the Air and the Sunlight received by Us
through the Pores of our Skin.
Now Here you can see few Glimpse of Relation Between Body
Parts, Feeling Particles and Foods Particles… How it Effect Personal and
Official Life…
> Body Parts: Heart & Small Intestine
> Feeling Particles Produced them:
>> Positive feeling Particles: Love, Joy and
>>>Negative feeling Particles: Hate, Cruelty,
> Body Parts: Liver, Eyes & Gall Bladder.
> Feeling Particles Produced by them:
>> Positive feeling Particles: Kindness and
>>>Negative feeling Particles: Anger,
Frustration, Jealousy & Envy
> Body Parts: Kidney, Ears & Bladder
> Feeling Particles Produced by them:
>> Positive feeling Particles: Gentleness, Calmness
& Silence.
>>>Negative feeling Particles: Fear
> Body Parts: Lungs, Skin & Large Intestine.
> Feeling Particles Produced by them:
>> Positive feeling Particles: Courage,
>>>Negative feeling Particles: Sadness and
> Body Parts: Spleen, Stomach & Pancreas
> Feeling Particles Produced by them:
>> Positive feeling Particles: Fairness, Openness
and Trust
>>>Negative feeling Particles: Worry, Anxiety
and Mistrust.
We Understood the Concept of Electromagnetic Radiations Particles Theory and we have 2G, 3G and 4G also but Shame on us we forget to learn Human Bodies Emotions Radiations.
Our Body also Emits or Releases Occasionally Same Negative and Positive Particles like Electromagnetic waves. Scholars and Scientists Called it as Positive Energies and Negative Energies.
Effects of Emotions or Feelings Particles in Personal and
Official Life:
We need Positive Particles like Lovely, Joy and Happiness,
Kindness, Generosity, Gentleness, Calmness, Silence, Courage, Righteousness,
Fairness, Openness and Trust etc Particles to speak lovely, Right, Kindly,
Openly, To be Trusty, Joyful and Happy with Family, Friends, Colleges and to
understood Daily Personal and Official Life.
No one need Negative Particles like Hate, Cruelty
Impatience, Anger, Frustration, Jealousy, Envy, Fear, Sadness, Depression,
Worry, Anxiety and Mistrust etc Particles but Occasionally we need that also To
Win and To Fight for Rights, Safety, Protection & Occasion. And Too much
Negative Particles are also too bad for Personal and Official life.
3) Real-time Examples Explanation:
- In Public Hate Speech Creates and Generates Anger, Frustration, Jealousy, Depression, Anxiety Particles in Particular area. We called it as Communal violence. Spreading Negative Particles.
- In Seminar Hall Happy and Lovely Speech Creates and Generates Happiness, Love, Joy, Kindness, Gentleness, Calmness, Righteousness, Fairness, Openness and Trust. We call it as Motivational Seminar in Public. Spreading Positive Particles.
- If we Help kindly, Speak Softly, Gently & Lovely with any Person or Beggar or Needy Person, That Person Generates Calmness, Joyful, Happiness, Righteousness, Courage, Trustful, Openness Positive Particles from his body. We can Observe it by Joyful and Happy feelings. Sometimes we Express and Shows that feelings in Right, Open and Kind ways.
- If we Hate, Hurt, Jealous, Frustrate, Depress, Anger on any Person, That Person Generates Hate, Impatience, Cruelty, Frustration, Jealousy, Sadness, Depression, Worry, Anxiety, Mistrust Particles from his body. We can Observe it by Anger, Cruelty, Sadness, Depression Feelings. Sometimes we Express that feelings by Fighting, Depress and Hurtful way.
- Comedy Show Releases Happy and Joyful Particles.
- Emotional Movie Releases Worry and Sadness Particles.
- Classical Music Releases Calmness and Silence Particles.
- Fighting Situation Releases Depression, Fear, Anxiety Particles.
No Positive and Negative Particles, No Emotions in
Life and we Humans also called it as Emotionless Boring Human Being...
But Be Positive don’t be Negative. So Healthy Food
Creates, Healthy Body , Healthy Body Generates Healthy Emotions or Feelings,
Healthy Emotions or Feelings Makes Our life Healthy.
Too much Unhealthy Foods Chemicals and Mineral Consumption
Increases Negative Particles Emotions or Feelings in our Body and It Directly
Increases the Negative works also.
Now Measure Yourself, Near & Dears. And Start
Thinking, How to Change Your Surroundings and Make Life Healthy…
If You want Healthy Surroundings Eat Healthy Foods, Healthy
Food Chemicals and Minerals Creates Healthy Body Parts. Healthy Body Parts
Produce and Releases Healthy Positive Atoms or Particles from Healthy Body.
Similarly, If You want Unhealthy Surroundings Eat Unhealthy Foods, Unhealthy Food
Chemicals and Minerals Creates Unhealthy Body Parts. Unhealthy Body Parts
Produce and Releases Unhealthy Negative Atoms or Particles from Healthy Body.
Decision in Your Hand… Healthy Surrounding or Unhealthy Surroundings.??????
Save Our Body from Unhealthy Foods, Unwanted Diseases and
Negative Particles and Also Save Time, Hospital, Medical and Cooking Bills with
Positive and Healthy way. Olden Days People only Eat Raw or Fresh Fruits, Herbs
and Vegetables and they live more than 200 years, but now a days it becomes 70
or 80 in different different countries according to food culture. When Human
start Cooking and knows about Tastes then Age Decreases and Diseases Increases.
Very Important Fact:
- Our Body is the Product of Chemicals and Minerals of Earth, Plant, Tree, Herbs, Water, Air , Animals Flesh or Products Particles.
- Our Body also Emits Positive Particles Waves Energies and Negative Particle Waves Energies. like Magnetic Particles Waves. To Increase Positive Particles Waves Energies use Healthy Foods and To Increase Negative Energies Particles Use Junk Foods and other Unhealthy foods.
- Coca cola and Pepsi are the Dangerous Acids of the World to Release Calcium from our Body… We can use Coca Cola and Pepsi Acids as a Toilet Cleaner.
- Morning Fresh Air & Sunlight Gives (Vitamin D) Silence, Happy, and Calmness Positivist Feelings & Energetic Particle to our body and Remove Bad Smell, Sad Painful, Depress Negative Particles from our body. Animals and Birds like Hen, Horse etc still lay down on earth for Sunlight to Remove their Bad Smell and Negative Energies from their Bodies.
- Prayer also Helps our body to Release Negative (Energy) & Unhealthy Particles like Anxiety, Worrying, Depression, Fear etc and Gives Calmness, Silence, Joyful, Happy, Strength Feelings.
- Olden Days People get or Transfer Energy particles From Humans, Water, Earth, Air, Sun, Moons, Stars...
- There are Two Types of Energy Particles Negative Energy particles and Positive Energy Particles some time people call it as Black magic energies and White Magic Energies.
- We can Sound Energy Particles to Break Negative Particles from Room and Hall like Sadness, Depression, Worry, Anxiety, Frustration.
- Olden Days Peoples Use Natural Herbs like Turmeric and Truffle Juice to Avoid Negative Energies...
- Wifi 2G, 3G Towers and Electromagnetic Waves Gadgets Spread Negative Energies, Increases Anxiety, Frustrate, Depress, Anger Negative Energies Particles to avoid Negative Energies Use Natural Herbs, Natural Foods, Meditation, Sunlight, Prayers...
- Drainage Water , Garbage, Bad Smell Cloths also and Unhealthy Water also Spread Negative Particles, So Clean Your Surrounding with fragrance smell to Avoid Negative Particles energies and Stay Healthy...
Avoid Junk Foods and use Natural Foods for Positive Energy Particles… Be Clean and Be Healthy... Best of Luck for Healthy Clean , Clear Habits and Life...Thank You… Jazakallah…
Few Healthy Chemicals and Mineral Foods for Healthy Body
1) Heart & Small Intestine
2) Liver, Eyes & Gall Bladder.
3) Kidney, Ears & Bladder.
4) Lungs, Skin & Large Intestine.
5) Spleen, Stomach & Pancreas.
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